What is Stonechat?. 
Sean Adcock.  A brief look at the history of Stonechat and the way ahead

Sticks and Stones and Fireplaces by design.
Lew French.  Landscaping, split granite, fieldstone, fireplaces and more.

Gualala: Grating and Creating: Thoughts on the Art of Collaboration (part 2). 
Sean Adcock.  Continuing a look at some of the projects commissioned by Pete Mullins a Californian who loves stone and is filling his property with stonework.

The Building of Fishrock Watchtower, Gualala 
Patrick McAfee & David Claman  The building of a an Irish Tower 'folly'... another Pete Mullins project.

Finding Myself (You may ask yourself, 'Well how did he get here?')
David Wilson.  His development, art, craft, creativity, stone and making stonework relevant today, not just a thing of the past.

Stone is the Storyteller - The Long Barrow at All Canning's Wiltshire
Geraint Davies.  The creation of a modern longbarrow constructed as a repository for cremation ashes.

Nature, Creative and Artistic
Dan Snow:  Nature as an inspiration for stonework.

Masterclass: Fat Tony and the Art of Coursing: Part 2.
Sean Adcock:  A look at the use of vertical stones in coursing why they occur, the problems they solve and those they create.


John Shaw-Rimmington - stoneworker, designer and inveterate blogger. ( puts the esoteric world of the creative process into words.  Philosohical. Amazing. Downright creative.

Artistic Stonework. Sunny Wieler.  Is there a difference between "Artistic" and "Creative"?   A look at some of the artistic garden designs Sunny has planned and executed in Eire.

Gualala: Grating and Creating: Thoughts on the Art of Collaboration (part 1).  Sean Adcock.  Pete Mullins is a Californian who loves stone and is filling his property with stonework.  A look at some of the projects he has commissioned and some of the processes involved in their design and execution.

The Druids' Temple & Other Stonework.   John Heselgrave.  Stone follies and amazing bridges created in the late 17th and early 19th centuries by William Danby on the Swinton Estate in North Yorkshire

Egg and Fruit Walling. Max Nowell.  Stone Garden cairns built to resemble birds eggs and fruit.

Masterclass: Fat Tony and the Art of Coursing: Part 1.  Sean Adcock.  Types of coursing, the use of lines, varying heights and thickness, random foundations, using shapes and shaping.  All you ever wanted to know about coursed walling but were afraid to ask - in all probability more than you ever wanted to know, and who is Fat Tony?

DSWA Wales.  A brief update


Stein und Wein Austria.  Sunny WeilerA photo journal of a week-long training and wine extravaganza held in Langenlois, Austria in 2015. AN EXTRACT FROM THIS ARTICLE CAN BE FOUND HERE

The Pinnacle of Trail Building.  Gavin Rose.  A dangerous section of pathway on Mount Rosea in the Grampians National Park in Victoria, Australia, is  tamed through the use of stone and a great deal of ingenuity.

The Shaping of Australia's Cultural Landscape. Raelene Marshall.  How early European immigrants adapted the dry stone skills of their Homelands to survive in a new and harsh Terrain.  Adapted/extended version of a paper presented to the 8th International Dry Stone Walling Congress in Switzerland 2002.

Walls in Australia: A Personal Recollection.  Sally Hodgson.  Sally looks back to a time in her early years as a dry stone waller, coupled with a look at "If these walls could talk" a report on the types of wall found in this part of Victoria.

Those dry-stone walls: stories from South Australia's stone age.  NIck Aitken.  A review of Bruce Munday's book about the walls of South Australia and the history behind them.

Australia's Indigenous Stonework. Raelene Marshall.  An insight into the ancient use and modern day management of dry stone structures (especially fish traps) by Australia's Indigenous people.  Adapted from a paper presented at 13th International Dry Stone Walling Congress in Sardinia Italy 2012.

Rogues Gallery.  How not to use Sydney Sandstone

In Search of Stones: a dry stone connection to land.  Sean Adcock takes a Brief look at a photo book by Raelene Marshall.

Masterclass. Masterclass:  Problems and Planning Part 5 -  A Pot Pourri Compromise.  Sean AdcockThe long drawn out series is concluded by a series of bits and pieces, mostly esoteric considerations which can lead to better walling.

Photos:  Mostly new Australian walls

There I was:  Kyle Schlagenhauf. An epic dry stone project literally on the rim of the Grand Canyon.

Asfontylitis:  Ioulia (Julia) Papaeftychiou.  The preservation of a dry stone settlement on the Cycladic Island of Amorgos.

Great Zimbabwe-A personal account:  Richard Tufnell.  One man's experience of one of the world's oldest dry stone settlements.

The nature of soil for drystone walling - with earth pressure calculation:  Theo Schmidt.  How the properties of soil can affect retaining walls, and how to calculate some of the forces involved.

Britain and Ireland's Walling Treasures: Redrawing patterns:   Sean Adcock.  Revisiting a "Waller and Dyker" article looking at distinctive regional styles, particularly the inclined stonework of Purbeck.

Masterclass. Planning part 4.  Grading Revisited: Sean Adcock.  An in depth look at whether large on small is good or bad, and  an extended examination of joints


Corbelled Constructions on Menorca: Borut Juvanec.  The history and typology of dry stone buildings on Menorca from caves to  Barracas/Pont de bestiar via naveta and talyots.

Espai  paret seca - the dry stone wall space:  Frédérique Mahieu and Sean Adcock.  The dry stone features of Menorca and a detailed look at a new construction on the island, illustrating wall types and features.

The Yorkshire Rogue:  John Heslegrave.  Analysis of a failed repair at Gunnerside in Swaledale.

Surprising Finds and Related Observations in Sundry Japanese Stone Work: Evan Oxland.  Mostly bridges of varying design, along with some stone carpentry.

Masterclass: Problems & Planning part 3:  Sean Adcock.  A detailed look at how stones similar in type (size/shape/geology) have a habit of grouping together, and a detailed analysis of dealing with the problem of '1 on 3'.

The StoneBridge - part 2:  Patrick McAfee.  The anatomy of a bridge, definitions and descriptions of the main components of a bridge.

Hammering it Home #1:  Alan Ash.  An introduction to the world of masonry hammers.

Griffith Griffith (Re)Visited :  Sean Adcock.  Following on from an article in Stonechat 27 the editor visits San Francisco's Fort Point and its Old Mint, and subsequently discovers JS Emery, Griffith's rival.

BRANCH NEWS:  A very brief report on activities in the year to date and the publication of 2 welsh language leaflets,Branch Committee and Diary.

Baalbek - An enigma:  Vince Lee.  How did the gigantic 'mexalithic stones' underpinning the Roman temple at Baalbek in the Lebabnon, get there?

Lime Kilns:  Anthony G Keates.  A look at the development of stone-built limekilns from early field kilns to industrial scale operations.

The Stone Bridge - part 1:  Patrick McAfee.  First in a series looking at the design and build of stone bridges.

Clawdd Cuckoo Land:   Sean Adcock.  Adapting Clawdd walling for cold climates at the Canadian Festival of Stone, held at St Marthe, Montreal  October, 2012.

From Penrhyn, Wales to Penryn, California:  Douglas Brown.  The life of Griffith Griffith from North Welsh slate to Californian Granite.

The Chelsea Trullo:  Andrew Loudon. Creating a corbelled roof for Nigel Dunnett's Royal Bank of Canada Blue Water Garden at the 2012 Chelsea Flower Show.

Masterclass: Problems and planning part 2:   Sean Adcock.  How poor grading can lead to poor jointing.

Rogues Gallery : A detailed rogues gallery, a bit of a rant asking whether people get what they deserve?

BRANCH NEWS : A brief look at the main events the North Wales Branch has lined up for 2013 and the new committee, Branch Diary 2013.

Sharps 'n' flats - A medley on flint as a building material: Shawn KholucyA look at the history and use of flint as a building material in east Anglia.

Bakersfield?  Sounds like a place in need of a bake oven:  John Shaw-Rimmington.  A look at a project to build a bake oven in California.

'Fresh Footsteps Tread An Old And Well Beaten Path' - The Dry Stone Association of Ireland:   Ken Curran & Waldemar Wower.  The recent birth of the Irish incarnation of DSWA by its founder members.

The Pixie Houses Of Devonshire:  Roger Perry.  The stone houses used to store fire ash around Dartmoor.

Masterclass: Problems and planning part 1:  Sean Adcock.  How one fault often leads to another and the importance of recognising how these develop and thinking ahead

Booklets: Codi Cloddiau/Clawdd Construction; Stonework:  Sean Adcock.   What's in two booklets recently published by the North Wales Branch?

The Carlow Fence:  Fran Coady/Nick Aitken.  A note on this famed Irish structure, followed by a review of a book on the same.

Tigh na Cailleach  -The House of the Old Woman:  Norman Haddow.  The story of the repair of an 'ancient monument' in Glen Lyon

The Physics of Dry Stone Walls (Part 2):  Theo Schmidt.  The theory behind dry stone retaining walls.

Potato houses: Sean Adcock.  Clamps and root cellars in Wales, Yorkshire and USA.

Rogues Gallery: Another look at "Zippers", a type of running joint.

Branch news, contacts and diary

Below are links to back copies currently available as .pdf
The most recent copies (30,31,32) are in full colour (£10 inc postage worldwide) and available by post only,
details below (see downloads).
There are no plans to make the colour copies available on-line

For details of content see right, or click below

YEAR            ISSUES

   2010 :      20, 21, 22
   2011  :      23, 24, 25
2012 :          26, 27
2013 :         28, 29
2016:                30
2017:           31  
2018:            32 
Online copies of Stonechat are free of charge.  If you would like to make a small donation (perhaps one or two pounds per copy) it would help ensure future editions.


The longer version of the programme "Have I got a bit more news for you" includes one additional clip.

A to be viewed for personal use only clip of the standard show section can be downloaded from here.  This is a very big file and to be used for your own viewing only.

Cyn Cangen Gogledd Cymru
Former North Wales Branch


Stonechat is the magazine of the North Wales Branch, it is currently scheduled to come out twice per year and is sent to all Branch members and Supporters

Colour editions (30 - 32) are not available free online.

Editions 6-29 are available in print for £5 each inc p&p UK, overseas please enquire.
Details from Sean Adcock

Colour editions can be purchased by making a donation of £10 inc p&p worldwide.

Please use button at top of page

Please email postal address to Sean Adcock and say you have made an online donation.

Alternatively cheques made payable to "North Wales Branch - DSWA GB" can be sent to:
Sean Adcock. 2 Bryn Eitin, Waen, Penisarwaun, Caernarfon, Gwynedd. LL55 3PW

At present all the following .pdf copies can be downloaded free. We would however respectfully suggest a small donation if you would like to help secure future editions, please use the donate button towards the top of the page, thank you.

Issues 1-5 are available as photocopies in pdf form, and relaively low quality. Contact the site administrator for further details

Issue 6 September 1994
Issue 7 December 1994
Issue 8 March 1995
Issue 9 June 1995
Issue 10 Summer 1996
Issue 11 Winter 2007
Issue 12 Summer 2007
Issue 13 Autumn 2007
Issue 14 Winter 2008
Issue 15 Summer 2008
Issue 16 Winter 2008
Issue 17 Winter 2009
Issue 18 Summer 2009
Issue 19 Autumn 2009
Issue 20 Spring 2010
Issue 21 Summer 2010
Issue 22 Autumn 2010
issue 23 Spring 2011
issue 24 Summer 2011
issue 25 Autumn 2011
issue 26 Summer 2012
issue 27 Winter 2012/13
issue 28 Spring 2013
issue 29 Summer 2013

Issue 30 - 32 are available only from Sean Adcock at a cost of £10 each inc postage worldwide

The Stone Trust is proud to sponsor the publishing of Stonechat and its distribution in North America.  The Stone Trust is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to preserve and advance the art and craft of dry stone walls.  We provide a wide range of hands on workshops, events, DSWA-GB certification test days, information, resources, books, tools, consulting,  and more.  Learn more and sign up for our email newsletter at
Additional thanks to Cumbria and Derbyshire Branches of DSWA of GB for generous donations towards issue 32 and going forward, and to the DSWA of GB for their help on making the mailing of this edition 32 to all its members possible.

If you  would like to help secure the future of the magazine by being added to the list of subscribers please use the donate button above.